Best Nursing college
in Bangalore

Best Hosptial practice
for nursing students

Best quality
nursing education

Sneha College & School of Nursing believes the following statement of philosophy. "Man created in the image of God and highest being in creation in unique, has intrinsic and is worthy of respect. His ultimate happiness is the possession of his creator. He has needs such as physical, psychological, spiritual and social. The meeting of these needs results in a healthy and integrated person.

Nursing is a service which relates to the whole person through a ministry of caring an nurturing. Nursing assists individuals, families and communities wherever they are to prevent illness, promote and restore health and alleviate suffering.The unique characteristic of nursing in this instution is that the nurses are imbibed with the spirit of God, particularly his compassionate love for the poor, and the lost in the need of health care.

The basic course in Nursing prepares Nurses for the first level nursing in both the hospital and the community. Education is a process of development which results in behavioural changes based on the acquisition and assimilation of promoted when intellectual inquiry, creativity, self awareness, self direction, maturity and responsibility are valued.

Learning is a shared endeavors of faculty and students. The faculty is responsible for selection, direction and evaluation of learning experience which stimulate the intellectual and personal development of students. Students are responsible for responding to learning experience as active participants in the identification of learning needs and in the implication and evaluation of learning activities.

Prohibition of Ragging

  1. Ragging/any type of misconduct towards any student both in the college campus or outside will be considered as criminal offence and will be immediately reported to the police. Perpetrators will not be permitted to continue their studies.
  2. Every student shall, at the time of admission, furnish a character certificate from the institute where from he /she has passed the qualifying Examination,which would mention the staus of his/her behavioural pattern especially in terms as to whether he/she has displayed persistent violent, or aggressive behaviour or any desire to harm others.
  3. Students and parents shall, at hte time of admission, furnish and affidivit to the effect that the students will not indulge in any form of ragging.
  4. The use of cell phones are banned in all the colleges.

Government Recognitions

Approved by Indian Nursing Council

Approved by Karnataka Nursing Council

Approved by Goverment of Karnataka

Affliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science Karnataka