Best Nursing college
in Bangalore

Best Hosptial practice
for nursing students

Best quality
nursing education

Our Features

Professional Approach

We inculcate professionalism into our students from the very beginning so that they turn become successful in their nursing careers.

Expert Teachers

All our nursing school teachers are well experienced and passionate towards their job.

Hospital Practice

Hospital practice is invaluable part of nursing study. Our nursing students get to practice in our own hospitals.

Scholarship Programme

We have a scholarship programme for the worthy. Contact us for more details.

Campus Interview

We arrange for various hospitals/organizations to conduct campus interviews in our college.

Computer Lab

Our college has a computer lab to train the students and keep them updated on latest trends.

Government Recognitions

Approved by Indian Nursing Council

Approved by Karnataka Nursing Council

Approved by Goverment of Karnataka

Affliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science Karnataka